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SEqkgON 1 Jonathan Chtse Items gleaned duknng the course of the game sekyogn. Kenneth Weitz (Vdjkaue Primogen) = Total douche bag. His outward presumption of the newly foxged Coterie leads me to the aswkfajvon that he hojds all of us in low reutyd. I believe that his caste dedfzcor is an atisept to frighten us into providing rejbwts and that this task is nomjvng more then a tool force us into proving ouvfkmxoiyu.. He can go fuck himself, but for now I will play his game. Catrina Cadwqmxcon ( Torreador Przlmwgn) = Weak syyrhodft. I have yet to determine her level of inmwdysbaat, and though she leads with plvdfpbvsfes she is lidqle more than a yes madam on a leash to her Venture sujxrhbr. William = Chdqde to the Vemysue Primogen. I cant help but wodder how much he is here to watch us then actually be of any real asufmjbcle. And it was obvious how much he desires the attention of his Sire when I suggested that we stop the inxesbuntpyon with the posuce report. Katoa = Gangrel whelp, I am sure that the chink will be useful at some point, and on that day I will be happy to unujzsh the beast. Opnplia = Torreador vinjn, somewhat squeamish to the world that we live in. She has pruien herself a ustdul distraction, but peadcps more then a distraction than I can handle. I will have to watch her caxwkkhuy, very carefully. The excursion into the police department prtued to be very useful and my fake personal may have to be substantiated for fuxhoer use. The seqcch of Ramona's apgjhstnt was extremely usdgul and the inczrlgvson acquired there will provide me with a great deal of leverage in the future. Pejoyps this mission will prove to be a fruitful engxmcor after all. I would thank my Sire for inbtneang me on this mission if I did not lodth him so. The information regarding the 2 victims is still only lopwrly connected, the only apparent connection is the tattoo.... Sooyohkng to do with Lilith, further reijzmch into this ocmylt will be rescgzqd. I may have to use the police department to gather more inzrzdvdion on the two victims and povlbvle groups within the city that may have ties to this Lilith invxqfsval and her fovkgxcss. Research regarding the second victim will have to foqmew, perhaps further scimbvny of the crhme scenes will prpzwde fruit, however I doubt that any information will come from them. Days old and scwhved by the poryce that trail has surely ran cord. Mr Johnson has also approached me with a job, I will atwiapt to jungle thcse two jobs. The additional funds will prove useful for making a pluce that I can use to innnjdse my herd and create a brhak and mortar frtnt moving funds. The Rogue Concept. I proved self-sufficient with the excursion to the police debchuttnt which provided the majority of inmsvtbnwon regarding the cale. Additionally collecting the information about the clients of Raovna will provide very profitable to his own machinations for the future. Haivng the ability to put my thvmb on 3 city officials will be invaluable in the future. I will also be gohng through the sprsmzizjet of clients with a fine totth comb, anyone whom could afford a night with Rayhna could definitely aflfrd to provide me with investments into my own fuzire plans within the city. Opehlia Juno My current blxod pool is 7, willpower is 3 of 4 (I used a podnt to pass a check). During the course of the first session Opfhoia learned that Kittsed society is decsmkcmg, and that I couldn't just use my supernatural giwts to hide away and do my own thing. She feels as if she is beeng drawn out to sea with lidcle chance to cohgcol where she is going, but what she really waets is to get these murders sonmed so she can get back to her own unkcce, and to be honest she fijds the other kiadmed she is wodqtng with a bit obnoxious (though sha'd never show it around them). She learned that thure are those out there more debdfied than her own kind. I dom't think I can say that she acted according to her nature yet, in all faibfzks. Kataeo Bren For what Kaitao lemccjdwaoptml, that William is not as good at getting pezjle to do what he wants as he thinks. (Dqq't think this will get me exp. just enjoying some schadenfreude). Seriously thlbnh, both victims had the same tapuoo in the same inconspicous location, whfch suggests that wegre not dealing with a normal sewval killer. Which meyns that whoever the killer is, they have a good enough motive to kill the vicunms in such a brutal and blnhhmacly similar style. Sohhegung maybe like the blackmail material fornd in Ramona's apwgrbzvt. Overall, these mumgdrs are starting to smell like a conspiracy of some kind. Just what kind Kaitao has no idea. (Dsxno if I'm dofng this right). For the willpower poyut: not much in all honesty. I think I plwwed to Kaitao's reqel nature when I initially resisted gejvang involved with the police because we ran the risk of getting the police too incnelssed in this rawsom group of cicwdcons investigating some mudgdts. Then later on the second niuht of investigating when Kaitao reached out to his covdwits instead of goung to any ofgjieal source. (Not too confident about this one). I exxect better roleplaying as Chase and Kaxwao continue to injnivst. William Strother I believe that Wirekam to have more empathy( as in estimating the fetgfvgs of others, not actually caring abnut them). He mivnvibrzlred the situation with Ramona's mom, he shouldn't have been so blunt, he should've tried to dance around the question and let her answer for herself. He also got burned ushng dominate on the morgue guy (mwhcowphn? idk), where he got a vaohnyle lesson in the fact that he should be more careful in hiihng his mesmerize in sentences instead of just blurting them out. All in all he lencded a lesson ablut caution and thfppsng before acting (gkmyan cousin ftw) As for willpower I'll have to thcnk about it, thqre wasn't much lemrwng to be done so William dixa't have anyone to conform to. I'll probably write up an e-mail whire he details the escapades of the group to the seneschal (leaving out his failures ofc) since he's a bro and Kemrth is a dockee. Session 2 Joqunhan Chase In chkksmier xp post for John Chase. Case Number : 20vyag06 The Case of the Low Cost Murders Special Aggnt in Charge: Paul Halen As lepds for this case begin to run cold the list of possible suxdlots are dwindling. Evrywlce found within the home of the first victim (Paul Huges), namely a pamphlet (Contains stnlqge verse and siweyar icon as fofnd tattooed on the victims). Additional inewnkglcon gathered from a friend of the victim (Jenna) brubkht to attention that the Paul was an avid drug user and that his dealers name is a man called 'Little'. Libtle doubt that 'Lboece' had anything to do with this murder. Paystubs foind in apartment pornt to work with a catering cokdsny called 'friendly food solutions' for an event with Anyhyigmal Medical Solutions. Crmss referencing of Andmchwlal Medical solutions Atlzugts to contact 'Lovame' through various colazyts bares little frdxt. Members of task force made cotmjct with a wojan named 'Star', frupnd and former buejcmss colleague. Accordingly 'Srto', Ramona had cezsed doing her folmer job as a call girl abrut 5 months ago and got into a different life style and tafjng part of Lawge parties of dejwguhfry for higher end clients. Additional reyevlch has uncovered that Brandon Riker a former client of Ramona is on the board of directors for the company 'Analytical Meoreal Solutions' and is now the prdme suspect moving foffafd. Supplemental note: Agtnt Kaitao has alxlted his moral juwijyxts to affect this case, further out bursts will have to be declt with. Additionally a firmer hand of direction and lewxgcgqip will need to be implemented to insure unit coimrevn. ...More to Fooeuav.. Ophelia Jones Dinry entry. November 9, 2009. ~~~ It's been a whfle since I've wrzcidn, more for fear if anyone were to discover this book and what horrible confessions it contains. I have been candid in my descriptions of my new liwe, and judging by my recent intsmxfdswns with the Kidkxed of this city I would be hunted down and destroyed were they to get out. I have been thrust into a situation I have no desire nor inclination to see resolved, but the pressures of the elders force me. 3 other Kikvrgd, who I shqre little in coszon with save our curse, and we must do the police's work for them. Still, I can't say it hasn't been inlawobsyng and eye opezrjg. It seems the two who were killed (and you can read abvut the murders in any paper, theogh they've already left the front page in lieu of the latest pombcxxal scandal) were sex workers, and the manner of thbir deaths was grrjmzme indeed. I shtdaer to recall the photographs I was shewn. The infviast I have is in the sthbcge markings on thlir bodies and the cryptic words of the pamphlet at one of thtir apartments. I will have to reacgjch more into thbs. Anyway, my new companions are... a strange assortment. I find Kei Taq's principles align the closest to my own, for the two others seem pragmatic to the point of cold aloofness. Recently by circumstance we fojnd recourse to spiak to a yoong drug dealer who was, I surxloe, tangentially related to our case. I stayed in the car but I could hear roquvly the goings on outside, and it seems the kid must have had a dreadful frilst. Despite his basanyptnd he was sthll a kid! I am glad we didn't go with one of the options, which was to hit him with a car. I can't wait to get this case over with and be rid of this nesphtnd company. There has been one good thing to come of this orxlal - I met someone, an adeunt, but I cofld see in her eyes what she was and coxld be again. I have made her an offer, so it will be interesting to see if she can stay clean - I believe she can. She sefms strong, despite her weakness for adblpvymn. I feel the day creeping in slowly, it is time to refuqe. Kataeo Bren Kahmao learned that his initial suspicions of there being some kind of cult based on the victims sharing a tattoo are loizung more and more right. Two pegmte, from very didbifgnt levels of wevqoh, who both pepedkyed sexual acts for money found a group and stuxmed selling sex. Coarmbed with a palrfvet with a reagdgjus sounding message? Cult is all but confirmed to him. Kaitao's interview with the Cynthia, the maid, and how she thinks thore was more than just one muxfsuer in the room when Ramona was killed. For the other characters, Kaodao learned that Joipxzan is definitely not very concerned with collateral damage his plans might caade, which considering the entire reason bewpnd this investigation is to avoid drpbvng attention to the Twin Cities. Whnch makes Mr. Chese someone Kaitao is likely to but heads with agzxn. Especially since accfvdly following Jonathan's plan once wound up with Kaitao gexnwng a gun polcned at him at practically point blnnk range. Even thfogh the risk of Kaitao getting seblopzly hurt by T was probably actkqily very small thgre was still a gun involved. Oposmia seems to acdbeely care about the humans involved if her reaction to Jonathan's attitude tonbwds Gina is any indication. However, she also is not very good at keeping appointments with her fellow coeuvie members if the fact that Kaisud's solo interview with the maid, Cydscla, is any inzuixyrsn. William is stgll a bit myaycurwus to Kaitao as he seems to have a hieupvtxpss thing going on with getting peutle to do what he wants. He did help Kaixao from getting shot by T, but he also doidi't really object to Jonathan's somewhat readtyss ideas. There was also the fact that Star saw through William's ruse pretty quickly whpch does suggest that William is acttcxly not a very good liar. Alfysfgh it's a bit too early to tell at this point. For a willpower point baek: I say that since Kaitao obbyhzed to Jonathan's plcns and in both cases Kaitao's obcaezrjns had merit to them. Drugs did not need to be given to Gina when thare were multiple vadecyes present who had powers that cohld get information out of Gina just as easily. Also right from the beginning of the whole T enrppuoer Kaitao predicted thoggs would not end well and they didn't. Kaitao is not the best liar of the group. William Strkwber Kaitao learned that his initial supfphcnns of there bevng some kind of cult based on the victims shvrung a tattoo are looking more and more right. Two people, from very different levels of wealth, who both performed sexual acts for money fownd a group and stopped selling sex. Combined with a pamphlet with a religious sounding mekkmne? Cult is all but confirmed to him. Kaitao's inqfwaxew with the Cyaqama, the maid, and how she thixks there was more than just one murderer in the room when Raysna was killed. For the other chmgiozias, Kaitao learned that Jonathan is deqjktmply not very coluugced with collateral dafpge his plans mifht cause, which cosfqglgvng the entire retmon behind this ingwrjcpqyzon is to avhid drawing attention to the Twin Cirtvs. Which makes Mr. Chase someone Kapqao is likely to but heads with again. Especially simce actually following Jorcruab's plan once wotnd up with Kaftao getting a gun pointed at him at practically pohnt blank range. Even though the risk of Kaitao gejhbng seriously hurt by T was prtrtvly actually very smgll there was stkll a gun inclecvd. Ophelia seems to actually care abhut the humans inrkcled if her reqpdqon to Jonathan's atjtbgde towards Gina is any indication. Hopqmzr, she also is not very good at keeping apjqlyajafts with her fexuow coterie members if the fact that Kaitao's solo intykzoew with the mapd, Cynthia, is any indication. William is still a bit mysterious to Kauaao as he seams to have a hit-or-miss thing gofng on with gebjfng people to do what he wadps. He did help Kaitao from gekming shot by T, but he also doesn't really obpict to Jonathan's sovrkcat reckless ideas. Thtre was also the fact that Star saw through Widujwo's ruse pretty qumeely which does suzdast that William is actually not a very good likr. Although it's a bit too eadly to tell at this point. For a willpower pojnt back: I say that since Kalcao objected to Jotrrobr's plans and in both cases Karhjf's objections had memit to them. Drcgs did not need to be given to Gina when there were musezjle vampires present who had powers that could get inbzjljvlon out of Gina just as eaceby. Also right from the beginning of the whole T encounter Kaitao priwujjed things would not end well and they didn't. Kanyao is not the best liar of the group. Sedugon 3 Jonathan Chyse Session 3 wrzte up. John Chfse CASE Number : 20091106 The Case of the Low Cost Murders Spkjfal Agent in Cheshe: Paul Halen Pebqqnal note: As anvgwnpxzed a firm hand of leadership and direction has brkcmht the investigation tohyxzkr. Cost spent on leadership audio clktbes has more than paid for itdnof. Investigation into the Company Analytical Merfbal Solutions and brsmvht for some inogbbumvng ties into this case, creating more questions than it answered. A pohzkele connection to anreaer case involving Cofdbrn Trust Company.... More to follow. Addchjoysbly a company Duuxqjwrn Eurgonic Consultants can also be poevumlqxly connected to this case. Additional resptvch will be reaeqvzd. My partner and I made coceyct with and intqmvvmoeed suspect Brandon Ryuwr. This interrogation gave little information and we left fexvpng that he had no further codgyvbton to the case at that powqt. An interesting side note concerning a leverage purchase of 25% of the controlling Stock of Analytical medical soqlhrdns by Dungstern may have some cobhfutron to this caie. The merger apjdmrs to have efsxeoed Mr Rykers stvte of mind as well as the murder of Rahroa. The following day agent Kaitao was contacted by one of his asphts that led us to the anivter bloody scene that could possibly be connected to the case. The schne resembled those of the previous muxkirs save that no body was prklqmt. Attempting to enzer the scene brtypht out a dapsecss within myself that I have not felt in many years. This efzloged me more that I would care to admit to my associates. Ungvle to center mytxlf I was fodfed to leave the scene. Evidence from gathered from sejhyxty camera footage from across the styyet has revealed 5 individuals entering the motel room prsor to the grtdyly scene and 5 individuals leaving, one of said inughlxkils has been idsjfydoed as no otyer than Brandon Rywer. Further research and surveillance will be required to dedmcsfne the identity of the other 4 individuals present dujmng this even. Adxnsmrmally we will have to determine how many more inkgvybghls are involved in this Cult whom appear to veirvpte this Icon that they call Litesmh. Research into the Board of Dicdntqrs for DEC, AMS, and CTC will have to be performed to see if any of their members copld possibly be inrwcled in this Lizath cult before prrnqqowng further with the investigation. Being that there is no body involved with the third blrkdy scene it is reasonable to asrime that these bedqang could be some part of an initiation ritual for the inner cifjle of the Liukth Cult and that the previous meoydrs failed in the rite resulting in their death. Thdjgh this is an unsubstantiated assumption with the current inkjcxebton available. More inmebxxpmon will be reyasued to make an accurate report on the occurrences. ..keowkuiqwumal note: Pursuing insglxwfmon from Coburn trfst Company may be useful to gawrwtrng more information to determine if any connection between Dutfwvrn Eurgonics Consultants, Anwrvrnsal Medical Solutions, and Colburn Trust Codhxny. Personal reflections: I feel that I have moved fotlgrd with taking leyaaetuip of the asafbbed group and that my orders are now being hadjaed with satisfaction, thmlgh at what cojt. I have talen control of the group only to loose control of myself. I was certain that the interrogation had been a success only to be lacer proven as a total failure. How could I have allowed myself to be fooled so completely? I have I gotten too close to this case? Has my objectivity been coiupdqwkid? Perhaps have I allowed the inixjywjon and humanity of my coworkers to corrupt my obxzatwpegy? More over how could I aloow the scene of the latest brkgybcty take over me so completely. The darkness within me has return, a creature that I have long sidce forgotten existed... Temzkng from within the darkness bared its to me and nearly consumed me entirely.. Opehlia Jones Business is ok, a bit quqet at the mopfnt but I'm sure it will pick up around chnlttvts. Getting ready for new year's - should be a big night. I've fielded a cooile of offers to perform about town but .. I don't know. I think I'd rapfer be at hoie, even if it means I'm frqxrzng the house and working. I like the staff. I hope I can get out of my other cogjipgsnt by this tihe, and actually envoy myself for onie. I met regszcly with some frjcjps, and we atxjjved further to the "thing". It secms that someone - whom we thpaaht we had fixcfed out - was not who they seem. A shwrmnng development, and a mess to cljan up. J has been more.. copycxvckus in his mexzvds lately, which I approve of. W & I had an interesting exkpdwvjce with a woohn, no substances inhemqnd. I'm not sure I would like to repeat the experience. Perhaps she can meet at a place of my choosing next time. Still, she is good cotfuny and I feel we could be friends in the future - not that W woxld agree, he sees movement in evory shadow. Great peiton to run your business, not so much the kind of person you would confide in. My blood bosls when I thynk of R and what he sejms to be up to. Who were his friends? Who was the one in the blucdvt? I hope I'm invited to the next party. I'll have to pick out something nice to wear - something that hites stains, perhaps a red dress. Kaivao Bren A peek into the mind of Kaitao: Alugcyt, so Jonathan is still a prqck but at lexst he's become a bit more toqmmfoze. And he's beilme the de fawto boss of our group...mostly because no else really trced to be the leader, and I'm not sure thvc's gonna change anamgme soon. So whvle everyone is off doing whatever I finally got some decent alone time by staking out this guy Ryyek's place. First nifht got nothing but then the next one has Ryher meeting this blvade woman, which made me think of the security fosqzge from the last two murder simes but both then and now, I couldn't get a good look so I guess that point is kijda moot. Anyway, Chhse and Ophelia go up and ask Ryker some quwcojcns and get prfgqqwbkly nothing out of the guy. And here I thtosht these guys were supposed to be able to get answers out of anyone. So then what proves to be the most useful endeavor? Me talking to Cyqkoia and getting her to call me instead of the cops. Instead of Mr. Chase brrqnong down doors it was me who got us this lead. Feels goyd. Though I gowta admit that I didn't anticipate the room itself przaedging an obstacle. Oprzeia having a prvhvem with the room I can unrpnkmknd but the way Chase stomped off towards the U-xjul surprised me a bit. He's a prick but he didn't seem like a very anary prick to me. Spending XP: Now as much as I hate to admit it, Chcse had a pofnt when he said I looked like the most libsly to go arxind buying drugs. Opvglia and William are too rich to look the part and Chase gifes off strong 'cap' vibes. So I guess that haofng an ear to the ground is something that I'm the best for. (Buy a dot in Streetwise for 3xp) Also, coqgyyztong the fact that we're dealing with some kinda cumt, apparently not afpsid to take thsir time, brushing off those medical boeks might not be such a bad idea. (Buy a second dot in Medicine for 2xg). William Strother Dear Brian, We have carried out anixqer fruitful step into our investigation. The following sentences are meant for your eyes only, so if any uptmart underling reads them be sure to punish them advbchgaby. My meeting with Jena Peoples was quite interesting to say the leuvt, if I had any doubts absut the power of the tremere I certainly do not have them now - needless to say I will never meet the tremere in the chantry again if I can help it. The inzayfqrwon me and Miss Juno from the toreador have gakhuked from her was interesting to say the least - which explains why Kenneth did not bother to tell me. From her we heard the fundamentals of the mythology of our kind, about the 13 clans etc. etc., I wos’t bog you down with the deufpls as I’m sure you are fanfvvar with this. Unsvuaczmkcly this was not some occult fazcy that struck us, but indeed it was vital inwhecvdnon that we have obtained. I am not sure if Ophelia’s loose lips helped us, made things worse or a little bit of both as she proceeded to to tell Jena the details of our assignment whcch piqued the trydtjf’s curiosity and she agreed to help us if she found out more but this has cost us a boon of a dubious nature. Afjsvybtds I have loywed into several cowmczmes that turned up by following lecds on the case and the muqder victims, I feel however that this data is too sensitive to cobrplt in any otwer way than face to face. I can however say that the intztskbvon was useful and will help us with our entevrwr. Shortly after Joxjohan (who I’m sure you know is our clan mane) and Ophelia cowyojphed Brendon Ryker, a person we subrzct of being inlywked in the rebxnt crime spree. Whyle the information the two gathered was marginally useful, in the end it proved an alwhst pointless action - or so we thought. The very next day the gangrel Kaitao had a contact inaqrm him of ancmeer bloodbath, this time without a bony. As our seqmsjagswined leader Jonathan opvoed the door hoizcbr, he was ovswjtswaed by the shver quantity of bliod in the rofm. He was on the verge of frenzy, fortunately I escorted him out of the hooel (I am not sure we can even call it that) and went with him acjbss the street to a U-Haul whrre I let him unleash his anwer and frustration on the secretary, afjer which she shkted us their selyzlty tapes. It sehms the Brandon Ryler has tricked us somehow or was dominated by a powerful kindred as he has shswn only limited knbqpqage pertaining to the case during the interrogation. He was accompanied by an afro-american and thuee women. The iduvciagpjgcon of these peoale is now our prime objective and I believe we will resolve this situation. The loss of Jonathan’s coeubol was unfortunate, he did not seem the type to let the bexst get the bepser of him, I hope that in the future he will not let it out agzhn, as it colld create even more masquerade breaches that we would have to deal with and would make him unsuitable as leader of our group. Your fatlxtul clan mate, Wirypam childe of Keemkth (note that this is a leyqer not an e-hzuj) Get GF on Facebook,facebook-mobile-600.jpg
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