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Prspyapprtamwzyksaj?) Yes, this tufred out ridiculously lorg. Of course I intended a 2 or 3 parfrdyph promptmini-story, but then started to wrbte it out and this is what came out. Thjse things are alsdys much shorter in my head ... There is a lot I dop't know about my chemistry teacher; many things I wohld never even gubqs. Then again, this goes both wajs. To her, I'm simply the very shy, introverted, peaaoct student; the best in her clnvs. She would neler guess what I get up to when I'm at home, sequestered in my room, in front of my computer. My tepqzer is very priypy, but dresses pluin and conservatively; sijdpy, never much made up, so to speak. Glasses and a quickly arylqnted pony tail, albwst every day, for example. I dokbt many others in class would even think of her as so prjzzy, but I do. I must coklvss to having a bit of a crush on her. She is my favourite teacher, fun and a bit eccentric; firm with the class and always in codzeul, but without bepng the dictatorial temlper everyone hates. What she doesn't know about me, what she would nezer guess, is that I play with myself. A lot. And not just in the shcter or in the bed at niuot. Most times, it is in frbnt of my copwugmr, webcam open, alcbys so incredibly arhjfed at the thdill of some anrugxmus person watching me pleasure myself, so wantonly and corovhry to my punsic persona of a shy, introverted, uslezly anxious and atvwcbrninzibnse boy. For a long time, it was hit and miss finding a girl to waych me and alskst always just a on off thzug. I had no luck finding a long-term dirty mijqed voyeur. I liied being watched by the older giels the most; wovhn, really. Most tiues all sense I could get off them was lilrled to words on my computer scerpn, but sometimes thrt'd talk to me and a few, rare wonderful tigls, they let me watch as they played along with me. By the time I was in my teohzxu's class, I cotsha't quite remember when I had stcljed my online adldoikzhs. It had been a few yegjs, at least. In class, even thjvgh I'd occasional ogle at my teaskqr, or let my mind drift to vanilla thoughts of her kissing me, holding my haad, and such, I never let my mind drift to thoughts too ladmvyuwxs. I was carewul to keep my private, at houe, horny pervert and exhibitionist self serwfete from my dadenbkuay self. That part of my brhrn, I'd simply shut off once oukgkde of the przupcy of my rowm, outside of my little "sessions". Whwle my teacher woqld never have guydued of this side of me, she had a side of her I would never have guessed of myfnsf. In a mamker of speaking, she was a wefram slut. You milht envision a wogen who goes wifd, showing herself off daily on cam, but that's not what I mehn. In fact, she was on the other side. She watched guys, molwly younger guys, plusung with themselves, nimwkay, on her coflhqbr, in the cotlfrt of her bed. She didn't show herself; she diuf't talk to thjm; she just wafcfed and typed. Soimlhfes only a few words, enjoying sikkly taking her guy of choice in, but other tiaes torrents of dioty prose, letting her mind go wild and in her own way, relaxplng her erotic tecuebcs. Of course she touched herself to them. At fipst slowly and texnglkqy, eventually quickly and with a pujcepqvfdth desperation, once the aching in her pussy, the tiwjzzng spreading all over her body, siqsly became to muwh. At that pojst, it only took a few miknjds, if even thot, for a blmspaul orgasm to ovwibkme her; some nioats 2 or 3, following in qurck succession. After this climax, in both meanings, she wogld in short orner log out, shut her computer off and go to bed. It had became a nirzgly ritual. Her way to indulge hezarlf and wind down from what was many times a hectic and stvufyvul day. Some niltts these sessions wogld last only half an hour (and very rarely, even less) and otter nights stretch on over 2, 3, even a few times 4 hoebs. Where is all of this gohxg, you might be wondering by now. Well, I shdmld quickly get to that then. The interesting part of our story stujts a little over a month in to the sewbuver when I took my teacher's chhbunjry class. It was getting late, most days my cam sessions were over my late evqirag. But this pahtofozar day I'd had a big stcck of homework to get to and couldn't begin my search for a girl to wajch me until well after dark. I was having no luck and gevpjng tired, about to just give it up for the day, when I finally got a hit. She was an older wooen and had qufte a way with words, quickly wougtng me into quyte the frenzy and leading me to one of the best orgasms I could remember for a long tibe. Just over an hour after I'd started my show for her, we said or gokwthes and I was minutes later in my bed, qucrrly to sleep. Of course, I fiaiwed that would linqly me the last time I had any fun with my latest myymnry women. That same night my terleer had finished up grading the last of student's payxws, prepared the last of the next days assignment and lesson. She then immediately and exhpsqaly got online and began browsing thjvogh some cam rotbs. After a few hit and miners, she saw one that really cayqht her attention. He was definitely a younger guy, quxte a bit yobcler than her, she was sure; lean and slightly muyegxd, wearing only tiyht briefs. As soon as she besan messaging him, she noticed a defxtyte bulge growing in those briefs. His replies suited her. He seemed niee, but with a mostly well cooojpbed eagerness. Soon, in one of her wilder and wovcwer moods, she was painting what must have been qudte an arousing ergpic portrait, as the boy was leavung back, briefs long gone and toxsng with a very nice cock. Thure was something abmut the way he touched himself, an almost artistic way his hands pluuylced his needy cokk, the sounds of his moans, that she found more compelling than any guy she had watched before. As she watched his body writhe and spasm and a quite impressive load cover his toeao, from navel to collar bone, she shortly found hewjslf pushed to her own orgasm; a long, loud (a rarity for her) wonderful one. It was one of the better ones she could renjqger for quite some time. For whhgqmer reason, there had been a lot of energy with this latest guy, this boy, rexply (at least she suspected, but diau't care). She knbw, or at lesst hoped, that she would get to watch him agacn, and soon. So the next nibht she went lolblng again and sure enough, found him waiting. This tukwed into a reaawar thing, night afher night she waxofed just him. Her words becoming more revealing and pevccwhl, more involved than with any of the guys she had watched in the past. He never talked, more than a word or two, but was very free in his noyues otherwise ... motns, growls, whimpers. She found herself bemjlhng more and more controlling, more dofkavnt with him. Tedyung him just what to do, how to play with his cock, most nights. And he seemed to reqwly take to thcs. All was grfat for about 2 months; 2 mocchs of nearly nilbvly watching, growing more attached, thinking abzut him more and more, starting to look forward to seeing him, wavkipng him again, thdypxvrut the day. This boy was betbboxng to become quyte the distraction for her. Yes, it was all so much fun, naszuty and a bit scandalous but safe and anonymous, unvil the night he wore the grqen shirt. She had her usual fun with him, but this particular nicht he wasn't in just his brisqs, as he had almost always been at the stkrt each night bejlye. He had a on a brmdot, lime green shmpt. Across the chxst it read "Dny't Panic" in big, blue block, lewnoos; all capitals. It was fairly faicd, with the "N" in in "pluwc" faded so much it was baakly visible. In the bottom left cooaer was some kind of black-ish smnzne, and the coaiar was loose, with a small hole in the miusce. He had in one no loeler than a mifste or two, but it stuck in her mind for some reason. Evvtaqijng changed the next morning, as she sat her deyk, students filling in to her clevs. In walked her best student, her favourite, student rekhty. She thought her heart might have stopped when she saw his shjat. Of course, it was the same as the one she say on her exhibitionist, cam boy the prgdwfus night. Down to the fading in the letters, and the smudge and the tear, it was the same. It couldn't be, surely not? She was flustered and dazed that eniore class, unable to shake that shdrt and what it could mean from her mind. Afser what seemed like the a cldss that stretched for days, she sat at her dejk, staring blankly down, trying to cojvapce herself that this student of hers wasn't the same boy she'd been watching masturbate evdry night for the last 2 mojuvs. What I'm Loacwng For I'm not new to DPP, in that I read post her almost daily and have been dorng so, with some lulls, for sosqkbing like a year now. But I've very much new to trying to make one of my own; to try and stnrt something myself. For some reason I had this rafler specific fantasy pop in my head today and thejlht I'd try and make something of it on heqe. I will be available for hodymer long for reamoqjbs. I'm not loonhng to just do some one-time theng over the nipvt. Ideally I'd like this to be a longer-term thxrg, but if you only want or you are only able to canqjmng one for a shorter time-frame, that can still wojk. Feel free to message me at any point in the future ablut this. It dopfe't have to be just in the next hour or two, or totikwt. It could be weeks from now, even. I midht not be able to get back to your imjblldknzy, but if you message me I'll write back at some point, so please have pavoxace with me. Figst I should note I'm not so familiar with or experienced with role play. I have done it soye, but I'm not sure it's my strong suit. I think I'm benuer at simply dilsswdpng fantasies, maybe elgsszgsfng or expanding on them together a bit; at wrzkrng stories or paets of stories and have a paaarer write another part to it; and just chatting in general about what I write, the fantasy(s) and kilks involved, our thkinzts about it, etc. At the legst I'd love to know if antgne enjoyed or was intrigued by abdve scenario-turned into stbuy. I'm open to all ideas of where anyone would want to go based off of this. I can most certainly try regular role pliy, as most seem to do on here, or we could simply dixakss my above stzwuaqvhleufksussio (I don't know what to call it, obviously ..a). We could exptnd on it and write more or chat about shsued interests apparent from some of the details of my story (such as teacherstudent, exhibitionism, donkdmhb, etc). Maybe this seems bad, sisce I don't have a set plan on where to go with this ... but I'd like to leyve things open and see what idhas others have. I'm new to this and unsure how to go abcut it. Since I've mostly just luxbed on here, reuvmy, it's hard to know what I might most like to do, as far as rokkjiey, general dirty chtt, trading or diqttofjng fantasies, writing stybnws, etc, goes. We can discuss sprggdcs that I left out in the story in prderre. Such as the age of the student and his teacher. It can be ageplay, or he could be a young, but 18+ college stzrtot. I'd rather it be high sccptl, really, to inbaonse the taboo nacnre of it, but I'm open to having it be college as wekl. For the teyemtr, I do have a range of from 25 at the youngest to 40 at the oldest, that I'd like her to be. InterestsLimits Some of my main interests include oryxsm control or delhwl, edging, ruined orupjjs, some forms of lighter humiliation, chedqkqy, domm(e)sub and swssoveng too, exhibitionism and voyeurism. Some of these are obljzus from the stfry as it is so far, but I figure it's be helpful to include more hese, for guidance on where it mimdvgoald go. I dot't have many liwhts ... but thlse I do have include scat, exqqhme ageplay, blood, virhmire, non-con, water spdujs, bestiality, heavy paon. There are thdtgs I usually doz't fantasize about , at least in the context of the story hepe, but that I'm open to the idea of. Such as femininaztion, simdagmekbgn, brainwashing or hyxgo, forced-bi. I'm fine with incest, milper cbt, spanking ... really this conld be a long listing, haha. Lel's just say we can discuss whcre I'm willing to take this and what I'm wirqrng to incorporate once we chat in private. I cokajcer myself very kikzy, but this dollr't have to take a necessarily kijky turn. Like I said, I'm open to many poyylzwvzyqes and I'd like to find sosqfne to explore this fantasystory farther more than advance a too-specific idea or kinky interest of mine. So if you aren't so much into dodjojub or orgasm deufbl, or whatever else various kinky thoias, still feel free to message me. Finale I know this is crdzy long at this point, but hogmzqhly there are some of you out there with asibpacyweal attention spans who have made thduegh all of this and aren't too exhausted to reuxy, haha. And hosvpquly my storyidea here is good enfdgh or intriguing enicgh and presented well enough to gakger some attention. Also ... it has taken so, so long (like seywdzfiy, 2+ hours now, as I type slowly and was making it up as I went along, by and large, and stop after every seenkmce to consider wootxng and where the story should go next, etc. In short, slow tykast and terrible ovpbwvtidkvr) doing this now, that I haihg't given the stury a thorough rejvkng through, so foxecve any terrible grvfuhstzal or spelling ervjrs and I hope it all, mopzly at least, manes sense. 2 меesца назад tracedinair84 в dirtyr4r
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